Jun 28, 2020
One of the biggest challenges for perfectionists is the lack of trust in their skills…
Lack of trust in skills is the reason perfectionists tend to under perform in competition–compared to practice.
Perfectionism leads to:
–Over thinking
–Stuck in a practice mindset
–Worry about what others think
Jun 14, 2020
Perfectionist athletes often worry too much about what others (coaches, teammates, parents) think about their performance. We call this social approval fears in our work.
This is not only a huge distraction for athletes, but also a source of pressure to perform up to others’ expectations. This is the number one reason...
Jun 9, 2020
Dr. Patrick Cohn interviews Dr. Joe Havlick on the use of mindfulness to help athletes and performers succeed. Joe has a Ph.D. in Sport Psychology and works with performers and athletes of many ages, sports, and careers. Joe has a practice of meditation that he offers to all of his clients. Dr. Cohn and Dr....