Jun 28, 2011
In this week's sports psychology podcast, mental game of sports expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn, answers a mental toughness question from one of his readers on how to perform as well in soccer games as well as his practice. This athlete is loose and has fun in practice, but struggles with negative thinking in games.
Jun 19, 2011
In this week's sports psychology podcast, Dr. Cohn is joined by Dr. Dan Schaefer of Peak Performance Strategies. Dr. Schaefer has developed breakthrough strategies in sports performance for professionals: NFL, NHL Goaltenders, Major League Soccer, boxing, ultra and extreme runners, golf, tennis, skiing and amateur...
Jun 5, 2011
In this week's sports psychology podcast, Dr. Cohn answers a question from a hockey parent about when is the time to start introducing kids to mental training. Sports psychology expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn helps athletes overcome the mental barriers that limit their performance.
Do you have young kids who participate in...